Friday, March 8, 2013

Posted by Unknown On 12:02 PM
As a new mom I had these negative feelings all the time. When I spoke with other moms I realized I wasn't alone.

1. I do the majority of the work.

I couldn't help but feel this way all the time. At night the baby would wake up crying several times a night. Sometimes it was every two hours. Nick Sr. would sleep right through it all or pretend to be asleep.  A couple of nights Nick got so frustrated he slept on the conch while I had to rock a screaming baby all night long.

I even got a picture of him trying to change the baby’s diaper. Look at this awkward position lol.

2. Nick Sr. gets to have all the fun.

If Nick wants to go out somewhere, he just goes.  I have to plan my schedule around the baby and make special accommodations. I thought this just happened to me because we didn't live together. But I have a couple of married friends who felt the same way about their husband.  If I’m even ten minutes late getting the baby or I’m taking too long to run an errand, Nick will blow my phone up.

3. If it weren't for the baby Nick and I would not be together.

This was the biggest thing for me. All those selfish behaviors Nick demonstrated towards me made me not want to be with Nick Sr. At first I thought all men were like this until Nick and I broke up- briefly. During this time I was socializing with another guy that I worked with. He was a very big assistance to me. I couldn't get my baby to stop crying and he told me take my baby to different doctors until I found out what was wrong with him. My baby had a ear infection that another doctor missed.

 I would go to work with huge bags under my eyes. He (Not saying any names) would often ask to baby sit for me so that I could get some sleep. I never did take him up on his offer. He was really experienced with babies because he had a baby brother. He gave me a lot of useful tips on setting up a routine for getting the baby to sleep. 

Well because of him I have much higher standards for Nick Sr.

I am very old school in my belief that if I have a baby by someone, I am going to try to work things out with that person. I stopped talking to the guy at my job and got back with Nick Sr. 

Today things are a lot better between us and he is doing his share of the work. I think him finding out about that guy at my job really shook him up. He really started to bring in his "A" game. 


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